As of June 1, 2024, Vestige Digital Investigations is part of ArcherHall, a leading digital forensics, e-discovery, and cybersecurity service provider.
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Keyword & Boolean Searching

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Keyword & Boolean Searching

In the world of electronic discovery, searching by keyword is a big deal.  Contextual clues around the words, stemming, near-hits, and more are all developments that have assisted legal teams in being able to effectively find what they’re looking for.  Combining concepts and keywords with boolean terms (AND, OR, NOT) and even using proximity (within X words, within X paragraphs, etc.) searches help with uncovering the information one is looking for.  As computers are very literal, care needs to be taken to consider things such as synonyms, root words, stemming and other linguistic characteristics in order to make sure all versions of a concept are discovered.

All of Vestige’s searching capabilities include this advanced capability


In addition to providing the technical means to carry out such search, Vestige is often called upon for our expertise in understanding the limitations as well as capabilities of a search.  Perhaps it is to ensure that there are a lower volume of false-positives, or it is to ensure that concepts are not missed.  Either way, Vestige can play an active role in assisting both before searches are conducted or in conjunction with receipt of the results in an effort to limit the responses to a reasonable review size without missing what is important.

Contact Vestige today for Keyword & Boolean Searching services or consultation.