Cybersecurity is a Process,
not a Project
Today’s organizations continue to struggle with CyberSecurity because everyone is looking for the silver bullet. Unfortunately, there is no product, no single service and no catch-all approach to ensuring our safety when it comes to cyber attacks. This session will look at CyberSecurity from the standpoint of People, Processes & Procedures to understand what organizations need to have in place to minimize their on-going exposure.
Benefits of Attending:
- Learn what’s working and what’s not for your organization’s CyberSecurity,
- Understand the regulatory & statutory environment driving the need for improved CyberSecurity,
- Identify the initial “getting started” steps that you and your organization need to take today.
Attendees Will Learn:
- What steps to take to evaluate your current Cyber situation,
- A framework for evaluating, planning, implementing and communicating a CyberSecurity Process,
- Resources that you can rely upon as you take the journey to improved CyberSecurity