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National Law Day – May 1

Press Release

National Law Day – May 1

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Celebrating the Separation of Powers: National Law Day, 2018

National Law Day is held on May 1st every year to celebrate the role of law in our society and to culti­vate a deeper understanding of the legal profession.

President Dwight Eisenhower established the first Law Day in 1958 to mark the nation’s com­mitment to the rule of law. In 1961, Congress issued a joint resolution designating May 1 as the official date for celebrating Law Day, which is subsequently codified (U.S. Code, Title 36, Section 113). Every president since then has issued a Law Day proclamation on May 1 to cel­ebrate the nation’s commitment to the rule of law.  This year marks the 60th Anniversary of the event.

About the 2018 Law Day Theme

The U.S. Constitution sets out a system of government with distinct and independent branches—Congress, the Presidency, and a Supreme Court. It also defines legislative, executive, and judicial powers and outlines how they interact. These three separate branches share power, and each branch serves as a check on the power of the others. “Ambition must be made to counteract ambition,” James Madison explained in Federalist 51. Why? Madison believed that the Constitution’s principles of separation of powers and checks and balances preserve political liberty. They provide a framework for freedom. Yet, this framework is not self-executing. We the people must continually act to ensure that our constitutional democracy endures, preserving our liberties and advancing our rights. The Law Day 2018 theme enables us to reflect on the separation of powers as fundamental to our constitutional purpose and to consider how our governmental system is working for ourselves and our posterity.

To learn more about Law Day and to view a video of ABA President Hilarie Bass’s Law Day 2018 Message, visit the ABA website.