2021 Dayton Area Logistics Association 6th Annual Southwest Ohio Conference
Sinclair Conference Center, 444 W Third St, Dayton, OH 45402

Dayton Area Logistics Association’s 6th Annual Southwest Ohio Conference
The Dayton Area Logistics Association (DALA), a program of the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce, is a private sector business group that advocates for and supports logistics and distribution companies, their suppliers and support services in the Dayton region.
DALA provides a voice to businesses in the Dayton region that either work in the logistics industry, supply for the industry or simply have an interested in logistics-related issues. Your business does not have to work directly in the logistics field to join us! Whether it’s advocating for infrastructure funding, putting an end to restrictive legislation or workforce recruiting, DALA is dedicated to supporting the efficient movement of goods through our region.
This year’s live, in-person conference will feature keynote addresses by Ken Eckrote from P&G and Chris Spears for the American Trucking Association.
Also guest speaking is Damon Hacker, President & CEO of Vestige Digital Investigations. DALA logistics professionals are invited to this informative presentation.
Title: Destination: CyberSecure
Today’s organizations continue to struggle with Cybersecurity because everyone is looking for the silver bullet. Unfortunately, there is no product, no single service and no catch-all approach to ensuring our safety when it comes to cyber attacks. This session will look at Cybersecurity from the standpoint of People, Processes & Procedures to understand what organizations need to have in place to minimize their on-going exposure.
Information & Registration
Dayton Area Chamber Members – $80
Non-Dayton Area Chamber Members – $140
Exhibitor Package – $300
Sponsorship Package – $750
Pricing includes a light breakfast, buffet lunch, and parking in the Sinclair Conference Center garage for all attendees