Vestige Assists Attorneys & Law Enforcement to Solve Child Exploitation Matters

How Vestige Digital Investigations Assists Legal & Law Enforcement
The exploitation of children is a serious matter and one that law enforcement confronts on a regular basis. As such, law enforcement assigns trained officers to facilitate child exploitation cases. Criminal defense attorneys typically do not have their own internal investigators, which is where a private computer forensic investigator comes in. Vestige has participated in a wide variety of such cases, including those involving user creation or distribution of child pornography, investigations of sexual exploitation of children, and other similar sex crimes against minors.
Digital Forensic Investigations
While Vestige will not take custody of electronic devices that are known to contain evidence of child exploitation, a thorough investigation can still be performed. Oftentimes, Vestige is brought into a case when evidence is already in possession of law enforcement. In most circumstances, the responsible law enforcement office will allow Vestige Digital Forensic Experts supervised access to the evidence for purposes of performing an analysis.
The forensic analysis is performed over multiple aspects of user activity contained within electronic devices, such as internet browser history, file access, file movement, and application usage. Upon completion of the analysis, Vestige then relays the findings to the client, including the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Vestige also has experience in reviewing the reports of forensic analysis by law enforcement officers, providing objective feedback as to the accuracy of their report. If any deficiencies are identified within the report, Vestige would then perform an analysis to answer those open questions.
For more information
Vestige regularly assists attorneys and law enforcement in providing digital forensics for child exploitation cases. For more information, CONTACT VESTIGE today.