As of June 1, 2024, Vestige Digital Investigations is part of ArcherHall, a leading digital forensics, e-discovery, and cybersecurity service provider.
The Vestige team that you know and trust will continue to serve you at ArcherHall. Our expanded team, capabilities, and infrastructure will allow us to serve you and your clients even better.

Digital Forensic Services – Midwest U.S. | VESTIGE

Vestige Digital Forensics Services Midwest US

Vestige Digital Investigations offers the best in computer forensics and cell phone forensics in

America’s Midwest region.

Our Certified Digital Forensic Experts investigate any digital device to uncover relevant electronic evidence, visible or invisible, to help settle internal disputes as well as legal matters. This is done by data acquisition from the device(s), either on-site or remotely; preservation; analysis; testing/authentication (this sets us apart); admissibility; outstanding reporting; and provide Expert Testimony when required.  We also offer leading Cybersecurity Services, both proactive and reactive as well as E-Discovery services.

Whether it’s a cell phone, computer, server, mobile device, workstation, unusual devices such as surveillance systems, or an entire I.T. environment involving multiple devices —  no matter the model or OS — we use more than 250 types of software and tools — if there is evidence, we’ll find it.

The Electronic Evidence Experts at Vestige provide the assurance of handling not only the technical details, but also the legal aspects of cases from small businesses to Fortune 500 corporations.  Business owners, attorneys, financial, HR, IT and Insurance professionals seek our services daily. They choose us because we provide our clients:

  • Unparalleled Speed & Responsiveness – we understand the legal environment and the pressures client expectations to get quick results
  • Unmatched Technical Investigative Experience – with Vestige, we take pride in being thorough and accurate and we ensure no stone goes unturned. At the end of the investigation, rest assured that the answers we provide are right.
  • Neutral Experts – because we can serve either side, we provide unbiased expertise. We offer tell-it-like-it-is reporting so there are not surprises
  • Ability to Convey Complex Technical Information that is an easy-to-understand and use
  • Flat-Fee Pricing – that is predictable and up-front

Organizations seeking Computer Forensics or Digital Forensic Services in the Midwest including Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missiouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas — look no further — talk with the Experts at Vestige Digital Investigations today.

Contact Vestige’s Ohio office by calling the toll-free number at 800-314-4357 or CONTACT US via email.



Digital Forensics  |  Cybersecurity  |   E-Discovery ESI Consulting Services